Saturday, June 05, 2010

This Could Get Interesting

Read in Michael J. Totten's blog:

"Saad Hariri's newspaper in Lebanon says the Turkish prime minister is thinking of running the blockade of Gaza himself."
The title of this post is his.

I'll only add:

  1. It reminded me of Martin Kramer's alert yesterday in Facebook:
    "Mark Regev, Israeli spokesman, is interrogated by pompous blowhard Jon Snow. At 4:45, Snow asks what Israel will do if the Rachel Corrie, another blockade-runner, is accompanied by a Turkish warship. 'I don't think this is serious,' says Regev, amused. Snow, shouting and indignant: 'This could result in major warfare!'... Regev almost bursts out laughing. Snow later admitted he was wrong about the warship. Idiot." (Below the video of the interview)
  2. Then I thought: Shit!
  3. Then: If it were true...
  4. Then: You idiot!
PD. Then, the next day, I read the following:
La Guardia Revolucionaria iraní se ofrece a escoltar más flotas a Gaza
El Cuerpo de élite de las Fuerzas de Seguridad iraníes está dispuesta a escoltar a quienes sigan el ejemplo del Mavi Marmara, la flotilla islamista que trató de entrar en Gaza. "Si el líder supremo lo ordena, la fuerza naval hará lo que esté en su mano para garantizar la seguridad de los barcos" aseguran. "Es el deber de irán defender a la inocente palestina" (Read more)

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